Saturday, November 05, 2005

I woke up to something magical this morning.. The Sun! I can´t actually see it myself but I can see it shining on a mountain that´s behind the mountain that´s across the water from our place. How fab is that then??

Anyway, I was going to get to a point which is that we had Teesa´s party last night at our place. And we made her a cake which she carefully divided among us. Yes, we are living in a socialist (maybe even communist?) household even though T is going to master capitalism in her lifetime.

After enjoying the lush cake (even if I say so myself.. I made the frosting) we moved on downstairs to engage in serious discussions on life, the universe and everything. And when the conversation started getting heavy and aggressive..

..we decided to take out the aggressions on the tatami. And started playing Twister! So there it is, that´s the red line of our party. It also envolved a few beers and a couple of bottles of bubbly.


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