Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The main point of today´s blog is to vent.

I have a passion for Israel. I don´t know what is going on, but my interest for the Israel-Palestine conflict just grows and expands as we speak. So it´s not a passion for Israel more than it is for Palestine, I just have more experience on Israels side. They´re just so wierd, both of them. Seriously! And as a student of conflicts, naturally one that seems to have no resolution is on the more exiting side. I decided to stay out of it when it comes to my thesis and have skipped along to a more tranquile environment, the activist environmental monks in Thailand. Planting trees and stuff, you know.. Anyway, my friend Silje has stepped up to the challenge and is getting me all worked up about I-P again! We have come to a solution though, cause Silje would like to go to both Thailand and Israel, just like me. Ok, here goes: cloning. Thats the plan, to clone one of me and one of Silje and to go to both places!

Spending too much time at school again..


At 6:00 AM, Blogger Silje said...

I think we have a great deal to learn from Calvin here, who actually invented a duplicator. Geniously enough the only thing you need is a tansmogrifier that you can modify a little bit: http://www.geocities.com/hoffler_b/boxes1.html The possible dangers of cloning taken into consideration, as in fact learned the hard way by Calvin and Hobbes, we should be sure to add Calvin's beautifully developed Ethicator also: http://www.geocities.com/hoffler_b/boxes2.html I am sure this will indeed solve all our problems. And if not, there's always the time machine, which can easily be built by turning the duplicator to its side so that the opening faces upward (opposite way of that of the transmogrifier, obviously enough). /Silje

At 6:45 AM, Blogger whereonearth said...

Gosh! I didn´t realise that we actually have two options on how to experience everyting during the summer! And above all we get from one option to the other with the turining around of our duplicator.. it´s just too good to be true=)


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