Thursday, August 02, 2007

The day I began loving the sound of Finnish mosquitos

Maralal is becomming more and more real to me as the days go by. I bought the tickets, but with full flex. I have considered the work plan that my co-workers have drafed for me and have accepted it in a heartbeat. Now I am waiting to accept the accommdation outline before rushing to get vaccinated and beginning the malaria thing. I don't want to jump into the rollercoaster called malaria treatment just yet, mainly because of a few possible side effects:

-loss of appetite
-anxiety, restlessness, depression, bipolar effects, panic attacks, abnormal dreams, disorientation, halusinations, hostility, psychotic or paranoid reactions, forgetfulness, suicidal thoughts
-dizziness, headache, sleepyness, sensoric and motoric neuropatia, cramps, ringing of the ears, fainting
-vision and hearing disfunctions, loss of balance

Hmm, lets see what else:

-palpations, irregular pulse etc. heart problems
-blood circulation problems, blushing, hypertension
-shortage of breathe
-nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia (don't know what that is but doesn't sound too pleasant)
-erythema multiforme, Stevens - Johnson -syndrome, loss of hair
-muscle weakness, cramping and pain
-swelling, loss of energy, fever, cheast pains, cold chills, sweating

Right. Somehow malaria sounds more pleasant than the medication. Just kidding of course, its a serious disease. But I heard that you get to eat a lot of ice cream in the hospital if you get malaria. Or maybe they only do that in Uganda. And when you're 6 years old.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kenya, Kenya, Kenya

Yes, the lions and tigers are also a good reason to move to Kenya, Kenya, Kenya..

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Back in the big city, Helsinki S. The S is for Sentrum. Like in Oslo. Oslo S. Raaaadiraaaadiraa.

I don't know what working on the boat is doing to me, but I seem to be saying and thinking things that make no sense at all. And then people laugh and I laugh and its great. I can't remember the last time I've been laughing so much that my stomach hurts and eyes water. It happens all the time on the boat. As I said earlier, I've been going through a rough patch for the past couple of months, but I'm starting to feel that its actually all for the best. Why be together with someone who can't make you laugh? So tooodlooo to all things too serious and rigid in my life, hail to new beginnings and aching stomachs=)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Beginnings

Midsummer is the turning point of the year, anything and everything is possible. Isn't it a great feeling? You have the strings in your own hands and its up to you to adapt, discover your sea legs and just simply do it! Whatever it is you want to do. Gut feeling is usually the best.

I got my metaphorical sea legs already as a young girl. Big thanks to my parents for that! But now its time for me to get my actual physical sea legs. I can feel the boat moving already.. gurgle... I'll spend the next ten days running after and away from kids on the boat, so maybe I won't feel the motion that could cause sickness. In any case, watch out Siljaline, the totally amazing sea wow-man is coming!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Me, my master and I

The master's within us have started to present themselves. The master that came from within me is strong and confident, full of adventurous spirit and hopes for the future. The future of herself and the world around her. I don't know what kind of relationship other people will have with their inner master's, but I hope to make mine stronger and wiser every day, learning from people and situations, but at the same time spreading tiny drops of peace and love along the way. Congratulations to all my fellow Master's of Peace and the Universe, la lucha por el pueblo continua!! Or as we say in Finland, show the world where the rooster pees from=)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

At the edge of the world Part II

Things sure have changed up here in Tromsø! The grass is green and its almost warm enough to walk outside without a scarf.. +7 degrees. They have promised rain and colder weather for the weekend, but I'm sure it won't get us down one bit. Because: It's our graduation weekend!! We'll see if I'll be a happy drinker or drinking out of sadness, it all depends on what happens tomorrow. I have my oral examination at 11am, so wish me luck and keep all fingers crossed..

Sunday, May 27, 2007

amores perros

Tu eres mi ala que siempre he buscado
Me dijo un día y sonrió satisfecha
Y confiada en que lo nuestra es la verdad

Sus ojos decian para siempre ese dia
Hasta que un dia ese dia llegó
Lo dicho lo va comiendo lento el sol
Cerca del mar embarcan a eternidad

Que nunca habra nada que nos separe
Siempre esta a mi lado

Acaso sera para siempre has olvidado
Dijiste un dia, solo escucho yo

Porque tus amores perros me van a matar
Sin haber me dado la felicidad
Tus amores perros me van a matar
Sin haberme dado siquiera un poco de felicidad

Love is a B**ch sometimes, but hey, you live you learn right? Remind me never to date a scorpio or a cancer ever again. The mood swings are killing me.

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