Tuesday, November 21, 2006

analyze and interpret -- what?

I am in the library, ploughing through the last interviews that are waiting impatiently to be transcribed and processed further. Whatever that means. To be able to understand that, I am also trying to read a massive book about interpreting the tapes. Anyway, these two guys from the first year came in here to borrow some books and as they were leaving, one of them said "enjoy your reading!" He said it like it was a casual "see you later" or "take care".

It sounds so simple. That's why we started with this masters degree program in the first place right? To read and learn about new and exciting things. When did reading become the necessary evil? I know not all our reading is so inspiring, we had to read about critical realism last year for crying out loud. YAWN!! Sorry to all the Bhaskar fans out there.. So I have decided to fight the slight indifference towards my thesis that I have started feeling after coming back from Thailand. What I have to do is turn my focus from the future to the present. Right, there we go. No more thinking about all the fascinating internships and jobs that I imagine before me. Time to start enjoying my unclear tapes and books about analyzing data! Here I go, no stopping me now =D


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