Monday, November 13, 2006

You feelin' blue?

The clouds are hanging low in Tromsö today. Maybe this is actually a great day to go and enjoy Blå Måndag at Blå Rock. Even though I don't feel blue at all. Talking about the blues, there's this cool young Brittish rapper that made a song about the 9/11 attack. It's called "Post 9/11 Blues", go check it out if you're up for listening to some funky yet sarcastic criticism on the issue.

This young chap, Rizwan Ahmed, also starrs in a documantary/movie that y'all should really see. Its called "Road to Guantanamo" and its about these three guys from Tipton England who get sent to Guantanamo on, not even false charges, but no charges what so ever. The three guys that were actually taken there and kept in Guantanamo for just over 2 years narrate the movie. The director is Michael Winterbottom and some other dude, so get ready for a fabulous piece of cinematographic work. Gloomy, depressing, unbelievable and yet so powerful and beautiful. Its like a series of unfortunate events that lead these guys to a place so inhumane that it shouldn't exist in the first place. I liked the part where Donald Rumsfeld says that the conditions in Guantanamo live up to the regulations laid down by the Geneva Convention, to the most part. Way to go Donald, I'm glad they fired your inadequate ass.


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