Thursday, November 23, 2006

So long trustworthy friends

I thought it had happened already in Bergen in April but I was wrong. And extremely happy to notice I was mistaken. But sadly enough it happened yesterday and it seems pretty final this time. I have lost my glasses. I bought them in Tel Aviv from some Argentinian immigrants. And it said 'freedom' on them. But freedom for who though? Israel? From the mighty claws of the Palestinians? Freedom from the ironclad fist of the Palestinian Authorty?

Anyhow, buying new ones in Norway would be the stupidest thing ever since I'm going to Finland in like a month. Its just too expensive, hence not an option. I was thinking about getting a pair from Shell, you know the plastic reading glasses that old men wear. Preferably with a strap that goes around my neck to catch them if they fall. I've gone from nerdy reader to cool breazer, but my eyes hurt.


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