My name is Bondas, Jamas Bondas
Don't you just love going to the movies? I do, even when the movie sucks. Casino Royale was one of those movies, but we got a lot of entertainment from the audience where the movie didn't do so well. There were clearly different sections of people sitting around us. Behind me was the special effects group, gasping and cheering every time something blew up. To my right we had the mixed couple introducing the girl who didn't know how to put her phone on silence and thumbled around so much that the boyfriend ultimately took over. He on the other hand was the pokerguy, oooooing and aaaaaing at the players hands. The big oooaaaaahaaahahaaa (turining into laughter in the end) came at the end of the game when Bond won. And then there were the usual Bondguys everywhere, laughing at Bonds majestetic performances when wooing the girl or saying something witty before shooting someone. I think our group would fit into the category "commenting on product placement and making little sighs when the going got too cheezy". That's all a cover-up though, inside we were speechless and gasping for air. He is Bond after all.
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