Monday, November 21, 2005

Today was a wierd emotional day for me. I woke up and looked outside and the song November Rain just started playing in my head. And it was downhill from there.. Collin, my computer decided that I´ve been working hard enough on my essay and started falling apart, Bit by Bit. Which caused a sudden outburst of rage that led to some books being thrown on the floor and to a soggy and slippery walk home. November rain indeed! Oh well, alls well in my world again since Kjersti and Kristian convinced Collin to put some effort into it. Maybe I have PMS. Or is it Collin who´s suffering from an alledged hormonal imbalance? After all, it is only a social construct anyway, so basically it could hit anyone? Hmm.. I´d watch out if I were you..


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