Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th

The myths of Friday the 13 th as a day of misfortune, accidents and just general bad luck has always made me wonder. Could it be? Is there something special about that particular number and day? If you find yourself fearing F13, you're not alone on that one. It has even been given a name so that people can identify their irrational (?) feelings of fear: paraskavedekatriaphobia. Fear of the number 13. Just remember that when you are afraid of something, your level of anxiety goes shooting through the roof and makes you more prone to little mishaps and thumblings.

I was paying attention yesterday, not fearing but just being more aware of what was going on around me. For some reason it didn't all seem so scary..

We got a lot of free pens and balloons from work (never happened before), also got a free lunch, realized that I had only two minutes to wait for a bus that I have to wait almost an hour for on any other given day, found a super cheap norwegian sweater that I have been looking for for a year and a half, found cheap rubber boots ( I knew it would rain today!), found a cool Nokia jacket and got it REALLY cheap cause the counter lady gave me the wrong change. All in all it was a pretty good day for a student. Getting anything for free or catching a good deal is something that makes our lives just that much easier. So today I can spend those extra pennies I saved on some new workout clothes. And also my brother was born on F13 and he's one of the luckiest people on this planet. So were Thomas Jefferson, Steve Buscemi and Fidel Castro. Don't know about their luck but at least they are famous.


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