Sunday, May 27, 2007

amores perros

Tu eres mi ala que siempre he buscado
Me dijo un día y sonrió satisfecha
Y confiada en que lo nuestra es la verdad

Sus ojos decian para siempre ese dia
Hasta que un dia ese dia llegó
Lo dicho lo va comiendo lento el sol
Cerca del mar embarcan a eternidad

Que nunca habra nada que nos separe
Siempre esta a mi lado

Acaso sera para siempre has olvidado
Dijiste un dia, solo escucho yo

Porque tus amores perros me van a matar
Sin haber me dado la felicidad
Tus amores perros me van a matar
Sin haberme dado siquiera un poco de felicidad

Love is a B**ch sometimes, but hey, you live you learn right? Remind me never to date a scorpio or a cancer ever again. The mood swings are killing me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tunnel of light

Here's the deal. I haven't really found the inspiration to write any more blogs for a while. This could have been caused by a certain amount of melancholy brought on by troubled times in my personal life. Or just the fact that I've been cruising back and forth again like crazy between Sweden and Finland.

Aaaaaaanyway, what I've woken up to today is the following: I feel good about myself and have decided to make myself feel even better. Yoga and pilates will become a steady part of my daily rutines from 10AM tomorrow morning on. I have also found a great new style for myself that embraces the softer colours of summer, including an entirely new makeup and, believe it or not, blonder hair than I've ever had in my life. So there's nothing super special going on at the moment, I'm just enjoying the sunny days here in Helsinki in the company of fabulously stunning friends. Who could ask for more?

Monday, May 07, 2007


Take a large imaginary nail file. Then take a comma (yes this , ) from my thesis and pretend it's 100 times its regular size. Ok so these are the tools I'm working with today. I have the nail file in my right hand and the comma in my left and I'm filing away until the comma seems more perfect. I'm filing comma's. I am a commafiler. Again, this is one of those things that sounds a little off when you translate it from Finnish to English. The point is that I'm doing the last fine tunings on my thesis and it seems arbitrary and I would love to pay some research assistant to do it for me. Volunteers?

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Not the entire day.

sko what??

I have bumped into an attitude problem in myself. I'm sure it's not the only one I have, but this is one that's been bothering me for a while. So why is it, that when I can't think of the word I'm looking for in Swedish (like f.ex shoelaces), I automatically turn the entire social situation (of buying the damn shoelaces) into English. I used to do the same in Norway. I'm not uncertain when I speak Norwegian or Swedish, I believe I'm just pure lazy. Or then I just get a kick out of speaking English to non-English speakers because generally I tend to speak a little better than them. I will never learn important little words like shoelaces in Swedish if I don't ask. And so now I've gone through an entire day without finding out what shoelaces are in Swedish *shaking head in disapproval*

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

WARNING! Plot revelations

I've started hearing the question more and more frequently this week. I call it frequent when it happens more than 2 times a day.

So, what do you think about this Eurovision thing?

My honest answer is that the contest will not even be exiting. Because I already know whose going to win. And who is definately not going to win. The winner will be The Ark from Sweden.

The one not winning will be our Hanna Pakarinen with her song " Leave me alone, I want to go home", or was it "What are you staring at you jack**s, don't vote for me, even I wouldn't vote for me.."

So yes, I think the eurovision this year will be a flop. And yes, the only thing that will make it interesting are the gay guys that are going to be commenting on it on TV because they are so exited about the whole thing.

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