Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Raindrops keep falling on my head, da-daa-daa-da-daadadaadadripdropdripdrop.

Somehow I think that our winter superhero has left Tromsö to do good deeds elsewhere.. We had some memorable times last week, listening to the snow crunch under our feet and building a snow(wo)man. It was great, even though the snowperson got brutally sabotaged and decapitated during night.

The lack of snow has created an unexpected side effect to my everyday life. Because it´s so bleedin´dark outside all the time, it actually slows me down surprisingly much on my walk to the uni and back. Have to concentrate, you know.. And the wet bumps of ice do a good job of adding to the snail speed.

I think it was the Little Prince who said it best: "You can only see well with your heart. The most important things in life you don´t see with your eyes." Possible slogan material for Tromsö during the winter?


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