Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Love you Hottis <3

I'm a little confused at the moment. I've always known that Finland comes a couple of steps behind (Norway and Sweden mainly) in things like fashion. That's ok by me, it's just a little cute. But on Monady I found out that blogs are not a big thing here yet and that many people don't even know what they are. Alrighty, I'll just start telling people about the beauty of a diary that is on the internet. But today I found out something that I cannot understand, let alone accept.

I've been searching for the ultimate place to write my thesis, one that would have internet access and a quiet, warm, comfortable environment. I went to three of the most famous places only to find that in one place the library lady didn't know what wireless internet is and in the other places they had it (and knew what it was) but that I couldn't get codes to access it because I'm not a student at the University of Helsinki. Discrimination I say. Of the worst kind. Isn't a student always a student and in need of the web? I got the library card for the university library, I also got a student bus/train card. So why did they have to draw the line there??

So to make me feel more at ease, I've decided that the best place to study is infact my parent's house. Free food, availability of sofa if in need of a nap, warmth, internet and the best thing: Hottis to keep your feet warm when striving towards a masters degree. Hurray for little furry dogs!


At 3:39 AM, Blogger hanne said...

I have experienced the same discrimination!! I went to the Uni library in Oslo only to find out that "Oh, you didn't choose our Uni? Well then, tough luck Missy, no wireless for you here.." we might have figured out a way to do it though, I just have to change my virus program first.. ting skal ikke være lett! give Hottis a biiiig hug from me, and maybe some youghurt too :)


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