Thursday, January 18, 2007


I'm a big planner, usually I plan trips. Not the kind of planning that you would expect though, where you plan all the nitty gritty last detail of a trip before you leave. Not at all. I just plan the trip so far that I decide to go and I get the tickets, then I start daydreaming of how its going to be. Then I go on the trip and come back only to start planning an other trip.

Things sure have changed. I have planned this spring so that I won't even have time to daydream about going anywhere. I have suddenly found myself with tons of stuff I have/want to do in Helsinki and have realised that I have not left any spare time in any corner. The thesis of course is numero uno during the weeks. Then I have yoga class, an Arabic course (if I have time, inshallah), work during the weekends and then one last big thing that nobody knows about. Nobody. But I'm exited about it and will tell you all about it if it works out. I still wonder how I've been able to keep it a secret for so long? The last time I told my brother about something similar that I was about to do, I made him swear he wouldn't laugh. He promised but non-the-less laughed his heart out after I told him. Hence the secrecy.

To my brother: I hope you don't remember what I'm talking about. Just in case you do, don't worry, it's nothing like last time, just a little bit similar =P


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